Monday, August 2, 2010

Halfway Point 2010: 6-10

Are we all cool with the fact that Matt Capps uses "The Final Countdown" as his entrance music? Is G.O.B. cool with it?

Anyway, it's the top ten! After tomorrow, you'll have one less annoying daily thing to ignore on Facebook.

6. Gaslight Anthem – “The Diamond Church Street Choir”

Best song on the best album. But it's at #6, mostly because this list doesn't really make sense.

7. Rouge Wave – “Solitary Gun”

"We've been suffering the six days since he died ..." If I was tragically killed by BART police on New Year's Day, I would want a song like this written in my memory.

Rogue Wave - Solitary Gun from Rogue Wave on Vimeo.

8. Wolf Parade – “Yulia”

Previously discussed here.

9. Robyn – “Dancing on My Own”

Sweden Song of the Year ... so far. This makes three songs from Body Talk, Part I on the list, and Robyn is planning 3 EPs for this year. Over/under on how many of her songs make my year-end list: 5 1/2.

Robyn 'Dancing On My Own' (Official Video) from Robyn on Vimeo.

10. Cold War Kids – “Audience”

Previously discussed here and here.

1 comment:

  1. You REALLY like Yulia, don't ya? IMO, you could flip that and Bloodbuzz and instantly have a better list.

    Great stuff throughout, btw...
